Pollution a sign of life?

Pollution a sign of life?

July 24, 2014

Summer student Henry Lin co-authors a paper with Origins Team member Avi Loeb and Gonzalo Gonzalez Abad (Smithsonian Observatory scientist) that suggest detecting CFC’s can be a used as a biomarker for detecting signs of life on earth-like exoplanets.

Read the Boston Globe story here: http://www.bostonglobe.com/news/science/2014/07/24/another-way-look-for-intelligent-life-detect-pollution/wsSIAioXuY8lx3HMvVTIYL/story.html


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Getting to the source - Researchers describe microbe that ‘eats’ electricity

March 11, 2014

Led by Peter Girguis, the John L. Loeb Associate Professor of the Natural Sciences, and Arpita Bose, a postdoctoral fellow in organismic and evolutionary biology, a team of researchers has demonstrated that the bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris can use natural conductivity to pull electrons from minerals located deep in soil and sediment while remaining at the surface, where it absorbs the sunlight needed to produce energy.
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Negative plus - Researchers strengthen continuous protein evolution system

February 25, 2014

Led by David Liu, a professor of chemistry and chemical biology and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator, a team of Harvard researchers recently developed the first system for enabling proteins to evolve continuously in the laboratory, without researcher intervention. That system, called PACE (phage-assisted continuous evolution), allowed for protein evolution to take place approximately 100 times faster than previously possible.

Read the Harvard Gazette...

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